Whats really annoying though is the fact Sir Peter Scott's signature is fading quite rapidly on the report and i happened to miss Lars Jonsson's exhibition at Slimbridge to celebrate the life and work of a greatly missed bird art LEGEND!

Another one of my many art hero's is Sir Peter Scott. Not only did he and his legacy continue to do loads for Bird Conservation but he also produced some of the best wildfowl paintings ever to grace our shores. I would be very pushed to mention another bird artist who could encapsulate Wigeon grazing on a cold winter morning as well as he does or Geese leaving their roost to feed in the fields. I spent many a January and February morning birding at Slimbridge whilst living in Worcester and didnt even attempt to try and put the atmosphere of the place into my sketchbook and still cant understand how he did and dont think i ever will. Ive enclosed a scanned image one of my prized possesions. A Signed copy of the Severn Wildfowl Trust 2nd annual report that means the world to me.