Tuesday, 26 April 2011

An Artist in Focus: Szabolcs Kokay 'UNBELIEVABLE'

I was once having a conversation with Rebecca Nason on Fair Isle and can remember mentioning to her how amazing Szabolcs Kokay's artwork was.

Rebecca was in complete agreement and as coincidence would have It she told me that her stall was next to his at the bird fair.

At this point I vividly remember turning to her and saying that she should keep an eye on his work as he will undoubtedly become one of the masters of Bird and Wildlife illustration!

However I think I may have been wrong when I said "BECOME" I think I meant to say 'IS' and I hope this video illustrates my point!


More of Szabolcs Kokay's mind blowing work can be found at:


and on his blog at:


Check out his Squacco Heron in Watercolour....I'm speechless!