For me there is nothing more mind blowing than bird migration!
I regularly sit awake in bed and count down the days until I will once again hear the the piercing 'srrri' of migrant Blackbirds rolling in off a drizzly north sea at Spurn.
For anyone who lives for those moments the
North Sea Bird Club Website is for you and the pictures in the bird gallery speak volumes of how harsh a sea crossing must be and reinforces just how resilient birds are.
I think the reason why this website is so incredible is because we as land mammals only sea the birds leaving and arriving and rarely get to see what happens to them out there!
That's not to say we don't think about them out there but its hard for us to even imagine what they have to go through during their journey......its simply beyond our comprehension!
Female Blackcap May 2004 (Borrowed from North Sea Bird Club) |
I have also attached some links to some Youtube videos of birds at sea that I found which i find truly amazing!...i just hope all the migrants re-orientated successfully (Prarie
Warbler at Sea including a legend of a man giving it a drink, what a star!) (Asio Sp. at Sea, probable Short-eared Owl 500 Miles Out!!!!!) (Probable Yellow Warbler at sea?)
I also attached this one of what appears to be a White-throated Sparrow and can't get over why anyone would feel the need to scare a bird in general let alone at sea whereby it is seeking refuge on a boat.