I was fortunate enough to be asked to join the 'Rivers Movement' that is an award winning body that aims to create awareness of climate change by means of art, poetry, science, and technology. http://www.theriversmovement.org.uk
During the day each member of the group aimed to produce work to convey how they felt about climate change and the amount of work that was produced was governed by their age. Ages ranged from 20 years of age to 73 years of age and as i am 23 years of age i produced 23 drawings of 23 SPECIES OF BIRD affected by climate change (both postive and negative consequences). Obviously because i aimed to complete the work within a day with the group in Barnsley Town Centre my work was very loose and gestural and i simply loved the whole day, even the knuckle cramps by the end of it.
It was great to hone my quick sketching techniques and to get some exposure concerning a subject that is not necessarily obvious to members of the public.
(Enclosed are some photos of the exhibition room and workshop)

I have featured 22 pieces of my work below that i did during this project. The 23rd piece isn't featured because it was used in an exhibition as it is more ambiguous. The 23rd piece consists of a Caged Canary that features the quote 'AS OFTEN BEFORE BIRDS ARE ACTING LIKE THE CANARIES IN A MINE SHAFT AND ARE GIVING US EARLY WARNING OF DANGEROUS CHANGE'. I felt that this was not only very appropriate but may help to create a spark in the minds of People with mining connections on the subject of climate change.
1.Song Thrush (Wetter Summers=More prey available)

2. Pied Flycatcher (Early Arrival Dates out of Synchrony with prey)

3.Blackcap (Milder Winters)

4.Chiffchaff (Milder Winters)

5.Dartford Warbler (Milder Winters)

6.Common Whitethroat(Desertification)

7.Cetti's Warbler (Milder Winters)

8.Barn Swallow (Long Distant migrant that may not adapt fast enough)

9.Bewick's Swan (At their lowest Numbers for 30 years)

10.Common Cuckoo (Desertification)

11.Ptarmigan (Decline in average mountain snowpack)

12.Ringed Plover (Mild Winters/More Individuals Wintering)

13.Lapwing (Milder Winters=Winter Crops)

14.Siberian Crane (Arctic habitat set to deline by 70%)

15.Red-breasted Goose (67% Habitat Loss Predicted by 2070)

16.Balearic Shearwater (Warming Seas)

17.Ivory Gull (Melting Pack Ice)

18.Arctic Tern (Marine Instability)

19.Razorbill (Marine Instability)

20.Common Guillemot (Marine Instability)

21.Black-legged Kittiwake (Marine Instability)

22. Atlantic Puffin (Marine Instability)